






将表格电邮至 克洛伊Jaleel


Warm Greetings to Colleagues and International 友好的家庭 New & 返回!

I want to express the sincere hope that this finds you and your loved ones healthy 和良好的. As you know, we did not run our International Friendship Family host program last academic year, and instead used that quiet time to support our international students in-house and reflect on ways to strengthen this wonderful initiative that 为来自国外的学生匹配当地的“寄宿”家庭. 我今天早上写信给 two reasons: first, to give you a brief update about the structure of our IFFP and second to recruit new and returning Skidmore Friendship Family Hosts in the hope that 我们可以安全地在今年秋天运行我们的项目.

Our brief update: after much consideration, SAS will move forward by recruiting only 火博体育教职员工作为寄宿家庭. 这是为了一些健康和安全 原因,只有全球大流行才会凸显出来. 许多大学已经开办了很长时间 host programs by recruiting internally, and we agree that this is wise. 一些安慰 for our enthusiast and generous non-Skidmore host families: we continue to welcome 并深深感谢我们现在的非火博体育房东! 然而,新的非火博体育家族 以后不会被录用吗.

Onward to our Fall 2021 semester: as you can imagine, we are working hard to prepare for the international Class of 2025, who face unprecedented travel, visa, and other 现在的挑战. 虽然我们尽我们所能支持他们,但困难 reality we face is that not all who wish to come to campus will make it. 国际 students who DO arrive will be excited, relieved, at least a little tired, and eager 参与. We want them to feel warmly welcomed into our remarkable community, and 你们中的许多人都是这一努力的重要组成部分! 所以,我写信是为了找出是谁 would like to share a walk through the state park, a coffee break on the veranda, 或者甚至可以和一个来自国外的年轻人一起远足一天?

Even just a little of your time, knowledge and friendship would make a huge difference 在我们最新的国际学生的生活中.

Skidmore’s 国际友谊家庭计划(IFFP) is largely self-directed, meaning that we welcome individuals and families with varying degrees of availability. Some 友好的家庭 see their students many times each semester, while others 每学期安排一到两次见面会!)例程. 如果健康和安全 concerns permit, Skidmore will organize planned group activities as well.

Due to wanting everyone to feel safe and comfortable, we strongly encourage outdoor meet-ups, mask wearing, and any other safety precautions that reassure all involved.

If you wish to take on a new student, or join the program for the first time, please 请填写附件表格 然后发邮件给我 cjaleel@bjjdwxw.net.

With many thanks in advance for all of your generosity and support!





Two or three times each year, students and families will gather in formal yet casual 事件(我.e. (聚餐或野餐)与其他学生和家庭见面. 寄宿家庭 and individuals will also invite their friendship family student to activities and 反映你们共同兴趣的多样性事件. 作为一个友谊的家庭, you provide a perspective on American culture, which the students may not experience on campus, by including the student in informal dinners, holiday celebrations, an occasional family outing, or any event that adds to the richness of the international 学生在美国的经历.

The relationship with your student will last a minimum of four years, but may continue for many more beyond that, the International Friendship Family connection is a casual one that will help international Skidmore students feel welcomed into the Saratoga 泉社区. The Friendship Family Program is not a residential hosting program for students, but a relational program mutually beneficial to participants in learning 火博体育文化和社区. 家庭不是友谊的赞助者,也应该是 永远不要指望你提供经济援助.

Based on the application and a review of mutual interests, families and students will 在秋季学期开始前匹配. 家庭将继续分配 给他们的学生直到他/她毕业. 然后有兴趣申请的家庭 new student may be assigned a first-year student based on availability and demand.



Would you or your family like to learn about another country or culture without leaving 你的家? Would you like to provide a relationship with a bright young scholar that 能帮助他们避免思乡和孤独吗? 你能给我介绍一下吗 国际学生了解美国文化和传统?

If so then join our 国际友谊家庭计划 and become a host family 或者是火博体育国际学生的寄宿父母! 




There are many ways to connect with your Friendship Family student and here are just 几个:

  • Birthdays- every student has one, find out when it is and celebrate their day
  • Music/Arts/火博体育官网- attend an event in which your student participates, they would 喜欢有自己认识的人在场.
  • Grocery shopping- help your student locate food from hom as well as introduce them 到当地可以买到的好东西.
  • 出去逛逛,聊聊你们的共同兴趣.
  • . . .还有更多. 下载我们的 “连接” (.医生)



Two or three times each year, students and families will gather in formal yet casual 事件(我.e. (聚餐或野餐)与其他学生和家庭见面. 寄宿家庭 and individuals will also invite their friendship family student to activities and 反映你们共同兴趣的多样性事件. 家庭提供友谊 a perspective on American culture, which the students may not experience on campus, by including the student in informal dinners, holiday celebrations, an occasional family outing, or any event that adds to the richness of the international student's 在美国的经历.

The relationship with your family will last at least until you graduate, but may continue for many more beyond that, the International Friendship Family connection is a casual one that will help international Skidmore students feel welcomed into the Saratoga 泉社区. The Friendship Family Program is not a residential hosting program for students, but a relational program mutually beneficial to participants in learning 火博体育文化和社区. 家庭不是友谊的赞助者,也应该是 永远不要指望你提供经济援助.

Based on the application and a review of mutual interests, families and students will 在秋季学期开始前匹配. 学生将继续分配 直到你毕业.



你想把你的经历留在美国吗.S. 更令人兴奋和充实? 成为 a special member of a local family and have a family away from home? 分享你的文化, 与当地家庭一起享受传统和乡村生活?


Enrich your stay at Skidmore and in 萨拉托加温泉市 and help ease your adjustment 进入一种新的文化. Along the way make lifelong friendships and enlighten others about 你的文化、背景和经历.




  • students DO NOT live with local hosts (unless a short stay is invited)
  • students do not have any financial obligations for their hosts, and hosts do not have 为学生承担任何经济责任
  • please maintain timely contact with your host, reply to emails or phone calls